
When you book Wold View Farm as your wedding venue, you have the whole place to yourselves, and you have endless possibilities to make the day unique to you.

We provide the most amazing wedding venue in a truly beautiful setting, and the rest is completely up to you – whether you want simple, chic and understated, or a fun-filled themed wedding, you can tailor every detail of your big day to your individual preferences. You and your chosen wedding suppliers have access to the whole site on the days before and after your wedding, allowing plenty of time for setting everything up.

Our three stunning lodges are included in the wedding package, and can sleep 12 guests in total. The 1-bedroom lodge makes the perfect bridal suite, with a private hot tub on the terrace overlooking the fields. The other two lodges have 2 and 3 bedrooms respectively and so are ideal for other members of the wedding party.

Your wedding caterers have their own facilities to the rear of the large barn, with easy access for vehicles, plenty of space for a catering marquee, and a dedicated room for food preparation.

The Wedding Barn

Our large barn is a fabulous venue for any style of wedding, with high vaulted ceilings and beautifully restored brick walls. The barn is separated into two large rooms, giving you the option to hold your wedding ceremony in one room and the reception in the other. The bar is situated in the large front area of the barn, where guests will enter, and there is also a separate seating area on the mezzanine level. Guest toilet facilities are provided in an adjacent converted barn.

The small barn is an enchanting alternative for your wedding ceremony – it is open-fronted with rustic exposed beams and beautiful brick pillars, and it overlooks the gardens. It also includes our outside bar facilities.

The Wedding Barn Measurements

16500 x 4500
The Loose Box
7500 x 22500
The Haybarn
9000 x 27000
Prep Room
7500 x 4500
9000 x 4500

Wold View Farm weddings venue plan


Wold View Farm wedding site map


Wedding photo shoot

Wedding Day Inspiration